Thursday, February 07, 2008

Betcha Didn't Know...

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Her Eminence the Very Viscountess Beth the Rustic of Midhoop St Giggleswich
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title


joann boswell said...

This is my title: Grand Duchess Joann the Overdecorated of Throcking in the Hole. Very fitting, I feel.

Marie said...

My title is: "Her Eminence the Very Viscountess Marie the Implacable of Deep Throcking". (I'd just like to know what throcking is!)

Christi said...

"Her Grace Lady Christi the Hunted of Westley Waterless" and throcking means: the action of continually pushing down the lever on a pop-up toaster in the hope that you will thereby get it to understand that you want it to toast something (although not by an official dictionary).