Due to the switch-over to a new computer (lightning fried the old modem), and a nasty virus that all 4 of us are recovering from, these photos are a bit late, but well worth the wait!
Here's our Girl at 6 months old with her bear (note that she is still wanting to get that toe up in the air! a budding ballet artist, maybe?):

Sweet little Kewpie Doll:
Both kids in their "matching" outfits! My Boy looks WAY too old to still be in diapers, but he is barely 2 1/2, so cut me some slack! More on his size later...
People often mistake our Boy for a 3 or 4 year old, and seem a little confused when his behaviour doesn't match his size. So, since we hadn't had him weighed and measured for 6 months, I plopped him on the scale, and was astonished at my findings! At 2 years, 6 months, Jack weighed in at 39 pounds and stands 38 1/2 inches. The 97th percentile for both measurements, and also the size of your average 4 year old according to
this website. He is a busy, busy, boy, and is still in love with his Thomas the Train, although Lightning McQueen takes a close second fiddle. He is talking like crazy, and saying quite grown-up things, like "Delicious and Refreshing!" (in reference to some cold apple juice), "For Peke's Sake!" (when something doesn't go his way), and "Good Boy, Mama!" when I successfully finish a task, such as loading the dishwasher. He makes me laugh daily.
Our Girl, at 6 months old, is very attached to her Mama, a trait that is common with baby girls at this age, according to her pediatrician. Still, I will be very happy when she finds toys more entertaining than being held in my arms! She is trying to scoot a little now, and we all hope that crawling will come soon. At her weigh in last week, she was 16 pounds 6 ounces, and 27 1/2 inches long, which put her at the 60th percentile for weight (with all of those adorable rolls and chubby thighs, I would have guessed higher!) and the 90th percentile for height. She is a sweet, if demanding baby girl, and we are looking forward to seeing what her personality develops into.