Thursday, February 15, 2018

My Valentines

This guy. We've had 20 Valentine's Days together now. Things are different than they were way back then. Then it was all about fancy restaurants and one-upping the previous year. Now, we share the day with our little Valentines (love takes all shapes and sizes); we celebrate family love instead of romantic love, although there is something to be said for romantic love that grows deep and strong and steady even after the excitement and thrill diminishes.

This year there were lovely flowers and dinner at my favorite local Thai restaurant.

But then... in addition... my Farmboy gave me the most romantic gift I could possibly imagine.

He gave me the sunset.

On a section of our Western horizon, where trees used to block the sun all winter long, he carved out a path, so those elusive setting-sun's beams can reach my eyes.

1 comment:

http://thankfullga447 said...

Those are the best kinds of gifts. So happy to here your name & patterns all over floss tube. Hi from Omaha!