Have I mentioned lately just how much I have missed working in my gardens these last four years? First tri-mester symptoms slammed my early Spring efforts down in 2005 and 2007. Infant care kept me in the house in 2006 and 2008.
Now it is 2009, and here is (oh, this is embarrassing) what my cherished herb garden looked like when I stepped out to survey the damages a few weeks ago...
The same garden that I hand-cut from the field sod several years ago, carefully graded and laid brick pathways with a "T" pattern for Twist, each pathway pointing in a direction of the compass and duly marked in brick with a N, S, E, W. The sweet herb garden pictured here in Autumn glory (2001- sorry, my scanner isn't working properly, so you get a picture of a scrapbook page)...

Okay, that was the setup, now back to Dirt.
Here is the Youngest, scooping dirt from a molehill into a bucket.
And the Boys, planting strawberries in the dirt.
Here is the Daddy playing in the dirt with his Tractor (double the pleasure, double the fun!); tilling the beautiful soil for our vegetables to grow in.
Please pay attention to the foreground, and noticeable progress on aforementioned herb garden, thanks to my very own somewhat atrophied muscles and the sweat of my brow...
And just last evening, as darkness was sweeping in, I scattered the last few seeds, turned on the sprinkler, and couldn't resist taking a picture to show you a very beautiful thing...
"Don't cut the Tractor out of the picture!" says aforementioned Daddy with unveiled shock and horror in his voice. Well, okay then...
I must be completely honest, and confess that it isn't *quite* finished; I still have the upper shoulder to weed and mulch, and the pathways still need to be de-weeded, but after three weeks and countless children-induced interruptions, I couldn't help celebrating a teensy bit.
Last, but Certainly not least, the place where we will be able to continue playing with Dirt well into the Winter months, our Greenhouse has a roof and side walls!
Isn't my Sweetheart clever? No stock plans or drawings for this fella, nosirree. It's make-it-up-as-you-go Brilliance every time.
And in case you were wondering, yes, the vegetable garden is mostly all planted now too, and will be watered with drip line this year. But the only tiny bit of responsibility I can claim for myself is one little row of mesclun that I planted. The rest has been taken care of by the Daddy with a little help from one very eager Son.