Use your favorite Autumn colors and turn it into a pinkeep or wall hanging or whatever else your little heart desires. You may even make a small amount of them for resale, but please give credit to me as the designer.
I stitched mine on Weeks Dye Works 35 count Linen-colored linen, which I previously overdyed with walnut dye. I used a hand-overdyed orange for the pumpkins; the remaining colors are Weeks' Bullfrog, Whiskey, Chestnut, Pecan, and Raspberry.
See how I made it into a little needle book? It was really easy and came together in one afternoon.
There is a little pouch inside for scissors and floss.
And now for the Giveaway... Please excuse the horrid color shading in these photos, it is a wet and gloomy day outside, and the compact flourescent bulbs in my kitchen turn everything orange. I have attempted to doctor the photos so that you can see the true colors, but they are still a bit off.
Anyway, I used a piece from a Williamsburg fabric panel, which contains a dozen or so little sampler prints...
I backed it with a brown cotton print and filled it with bits and scraps and dried lavender (mmmm... smells SO nice!) for a nice little primitive lumpy pillow.
It would work nicely as a pinkeep if you so desire, but would also be very sweet just propped up in a cupboard or old wooden bowl.
To enter your name in the drawing, simply leave a comment on this post, and be sure that I have a means to contact you, should you be the happy winner.
My random generators will draw a name on Monday morning, October 26, West Coast time.
And if you happen to be a fan of Heartstring Primitives on Facebook, head over there for a second opportunity to enter a drawing.
Thank you so much for this sweet freebie chart! I can't wait to stitch it up! Please enter me in your generous drawing.
Blessings, Patti
Wow, I love this chart ! thanks so much...and of course, I want to WIN !!! please enter me.
Thank you so much for the freebie! It's simply beautiful! Thank for the chance in your drawing.
Thank you so much for the free chart. And I'd love to be placed in your drawing.
Thanks a million for the free chart ~ I love it & can't wait to get started on it. Love the needlebook, too. Please enter me in your wonderful and generous giveaway. Love the colors & the backing fabric.
Thank you so much for the cute freebie chart :)
And that pillow is so cute...love that fabric!!!
Thank you so much for the darling x-stitch design! I sure hope I can get my printer to work so I can get it stitched up! Add me to your drawing please!
I love your needlebook, it looks beautiful with the fabrics and stitchery. I have patterns for them, but would like the make the larger size to hold scissors, great present idea.
(I entered the givewaway on Facebook)
The freebie chart is adorable, and I love how you've finished it. :D Thank you!
Thank you so much for the wonderful freebie. I can't wait to stitch.
Christie Mock
Batavia, OH
What a nice pattern..I love Thanksgiving!
I, too, would like to be entered in your drawing.
Thanks again, Dianntha
I love that Williamsburg fabric on the pillow! Can't wait to stitch the Give Thanks design. Your needlebook turned out really cute.
Many thanks for the free chart. I love the colors and the message.
~Giving thanks for your wonderful designs~
I'd like to be included in your generous drawing. Thank you.
Thanks for the lovely free chart! Your needlebook is wonderful. I love the pillow you made - please enter my name in your drawing!
What a lovely wee pillow! It is very generous of you to offer this as well as the free chart, give thanks.
Oh wow! Thanks for the free chart -- and for the giveaway too! I love that little pillow!
Thank you for the freebie, Beth. It's just lovely.
Please enter my name for the giveaway. Thank you!
Beth, thank you for the free chart. What a lovely pillow! Please enter me in your giveaway.
Thank you so much for the free chart. There just doesn't seem to be enough Thanksgiving related stitching. Please enter me in the drawing for your sweet little pillow.
Thank you for the chart--it is adorable! Beautiful little pillow.
The pic of your daughter and husband--priceless. I have a few of those type of pics of my husband and our three... such great memories.
Thank you so much for the freebie!
Your needlebook is wonderful. I like this lovely pillow you made.
Please enter my name in your drawing!
Hugs from Barcelona, Spain
Just so pretty a chart Beth thankyou for that . I would love a chance to be entered into your draw Wow what a wonderful suprise that would be.
Thank you so much for the chart. I love it. Great giveaway too. Please include me.
What a beautiful pillow! Thank you for the free chart!
What a wonderful complimentary design! Looking forward to stitching it up!
What a great giveaway you are hosting! I would love to be entered.
Robin in VA
Thank you for the pretty freebie!
And I would love to be entered in the drawing for the pillow.
Thank you and blessings,
Please enter me into your giveaway for the lovely, lavender-scented pillow. I think that my mother-in-law would absolutely love to have it!
Thank you for the very pretty freebie. I will use it. Please enter me in you great drawing. Lynn
Hello Beth,
I really love the pretty seasonal freebie. We can't have enough reminders to be thankful :>)
Your little needlenook is a great finish for this design. It looks so comfy propped up against the wooden paddles.
I would love to be entered for your giveaway. Lavender is such a healing and soothing herb and the fabric in your little pillow is gorgeous.
Many thanks. Angela
Oh I would love to win this...please enter me.
Beautiful creations Beth! I am not entering this giveaway bcuz I have already been the proud recipient of one of your beautiful pin keeps, and I want others to win one of your pieces. Good luck to all the participants!
Thank you so much for the freebie!
I really love it!
please enter me.
Sweet freebie. Thank you.
Awesome chart & fabulous giveaway! Please enter me!! :)
Thanks my friend!
Thank you so very much for sharing your design with us, Beth. It will be wonderful for Thanksgiving (I always seem to skip decorating Thanksgiving sadly). Please enter my name in your drawing. Thanks so much, Dianne
What a great chart. Thank you. I would lovve to win that pillow. Stuffed with lavender,m favorite.
Thank you for the chance :)
Thank you for the adorable free pattern!! I would love to win the pillow and I can tell you that it would be appropriate as we just arrived home this evening from Williamsburg! It would make a terrific ending to my journey to win!
Thanks for the lovely freebie! Please add me to the drawing for the wonderful cushion.
I love the new freebie! THANK YOU!!!!! I just printed it out and will start stitching tonight. Thanks for the contest. Hope I am not too late.
Such a lovely chart, it really speaks to me. Thank you. :)
Thanks for the lovely chart, looking forward to stitchin it and seeing more of your blog:)
Sweet Stitchin...
Thanks for the freebie chart - it's lovely!
Guess I missed the draw
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