Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A New Blog!

Ladies and Gentlemen, announcing a brand new blog, dedicated to showcasing your finished Heartstring Primitives designs!

Since this blog that you are now reading is first and foremost about my life and family, it naturally includes announcements and updates about my little design business. I have been wanting to show off the finishes that you have sent to me, but wasn't sure how to go about it without changing the nature of my personal blog. Then I had one of those moments of clarity recently when I realized *you-need-your-very-own-blog* for show and tell time!

Go check it out! Let me know what you think! Become a follower! Email your pictures! You are such a creative, talented group of people, and I love seeing the countless ways you interpret my designs.

This blog will still be the place to find updates and new design announcements, and free charts too, while the other blog will showcase YOU and your Talents.

Ready... Set... GO!


lena-lou said...

Poor little barn :(

I saw your new blog and it is just great :) I shall visit it often !

Take care

pammyjo said...

Neat idea. I'm loving the 4 little spring time samplers pattern I got from you. It's so fun. I'm just starting the third one.