Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I don't know about you, but when I sit down to watch something on the tellie, I find that I crave particular types of food and beverages, depending on what I am watching.

Here are some examples of cravings that have been quite consistent for all of my adult years:

Jane Austen movies = dark chocolate & red wine

Super Bowl = chili & beer (I don't even like beer!)

Saturday AM gardening shows = oatmeal & coffee

AFV = pizza & root beer

the Olympics = tuna/dill pitas & ginger ale w/ lime (!!!)

Musicals/old classics = popcorn & hot cocoa

Suspense/Blockbuster movies = hot tamales & Pepsi

Well, my kids are following suit, and so far their favorite and most consistent pairing is:

Sesame Street = buttered wholewheat toast & apple juice


Jennifer Ann Fox said...

Oh I know whatcha mean! Funny how we relate food to different stuff.
Kids look like they are having alot of fun!

Anonymous said...


I just discovered your blog. I like your patterns. And you are so impressive in starting your Mary Wigham over.