Monday, December 17, 2012

My Baby is 7!

My sweet boy, who came home so very tiny and fragile (5 pounds 4 ounces and 3 weeks early), now stands 53 inches tall and weighs 80 pounds. At 7 years old.

He's up to my armpits already, unbelievable as it seems... and he is the light of my life.
We celebrated on Saturday so that he could have all weekend to play with his new toys. It was such a great day, enjoying his joy, delighting in his delight (I totally cheated... pressing M&Ms into frosting just didn't feel like much of an accomplishment, but boy, did he love that cake!)
And I'm sure you understand that my Mama's heart also felt grief. So many of those little lives taken in Connecticut were the same age as my baby. Just 7, or turning 7 soon. I held him (and her) tighter, cherished him (and her) with more vigor.
Purposed to make this celebration so special, so that he feels how much he's loved down to his very bones.
I also hugged his teacher extra tight this morning when I dropped him off at school. She understood.
And later this morning, I'll be arriving with a cooler full of TCBY to share with his classmates. Each of those little people is so precious, and I look forward to sharing a special treat with them.
This boy of mine has the power within him to change the world.

We all do.
He may spend most of his free time playing wii games and building with his LEGOs and giggling with his sister, but he knows how to LOVE.

And Love is the only thing that can make a real difference in the lives of this hurting and broken world.

Happy Birthday, my kind, clever, persistent, uninhibited, happy-hearted Boy. I love you with every atom in my body.


Marie said...

What a blessing our Jack has been to this grandma too! Happy birthday Jack! I love you too!

JEN said...

Every year I fully expect the cuddles to diminish as you grow, but they never do. Thank you, Birthday Boy, for loving so openly and wholeheartedly. Your Auntie Mama celebrates your life with you today...may every moment be happy until your little eyes close tonight with lots of sweet memories!

Anonymous said...

Happy blessed birthday wishes to Jack! It doesn't seem possible that he's 7 years old already. Time passes so quickly and Beth, I hugged my grandkids yesterday with special love after the horrific events in CT.

Even here, in KS, we had two policemen shot to death last night when they responded to a grocery store on a report of a suspicious vehicle. Those two officers were only 50 and 28, both with families. Such sorrow!

Gabi said...

Happy birthday to your beautiful son.

gracie said...

Happy Birthday to the little big boy!