Yes, that is our sweet boy, Jack (doesn't he have the most darling double chin you ever saw??!). I am considering listing it on etsy as a customizeable silhouette for parents to order for their children. Do you think there is a market out there for such sweet little somethings?
very fun! what Mama wouldn't want one of these for each of her children?!! I say list it and see what happens....
That is darling Beth! :)
sign me up! I would TOTALLY buy that!!!
Love this silhouette, and I love your blog!
La Donna
Absolutely there is a market for this! I have always wanted silhouettes of my boys. Just never knew where to go... Not sure if it would be the same at 11 and 14. I wonder if I have any good profile photos of them when they were younger...
Blessings, Patti
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