Old pin cushion and old-style scissors...

I can't stop admiring the pin cushion... its pretty fragile, and certainly has been used, but that just makes it better, don't you think?

My baby brother and his wife found this cute little retro sewing box for me...

Made from wood and leather to look like a book... this will be my current-project box to help me keep my jumble of threads organized.

And I now have an additional 2 letter Ts to add to my collection. The little red vintage game tile,

and a tie clip, which is darn cute when I wear it with a v-neck sweater or cardigan.

There are some other things too... wool boot socks to wear with
my forty dollar boots, a retro-inspired apron that matches my kitchen, and
this book, which I'll possibly review here at a later date.
But you all know that I usually save my gift from the Mister for last right? And this Christmas was no exception. You'll recall that he gave me the
gift of laundry for my Birthday this year.
For Christmas, he gave me the Gift of Organization.
A Gift that I have been craving for a very, very long time.
You see, when my sweet baby girl was born, I had to give up the rights to the remaining free room in the house. And to make it even worse, I had nowhere at all to store my supplies, which means the poor girl has had to sleep with my piles of stash teetering around the perimeters of her room for nearly 3 years.
If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you may remember
this birthday present, made by my talented husband. For Christmas, I got its twin.

These are the "After the Before, but Before the After" pictures...

Ugh. Yeah... literally piles. Ugly metal garage sale bookshelf from college, baskets, boxes, plastic drawer-totes, and piles. Very un-inspiring, if you ask me.
Well, after a full day and a half of PLAYING, these are the much-more-inspiring vignettes you will find in our shared girl-room...

I'm not sure yet if I'm proud or embarrassed, but here is my
entire fabric stash:

The best part about my Gift of Organization? It didn't cost one cent. The shelf was made using materials already on-hand, and all of my boxes and baskets and bins were a perfect fit for the shelving. All I "had" to do was cover a few ugly thrifted hat boxes with fabric and paper from my stash. And that is what I call good, cheap, fun!