Not that I've just been sitting around catching my breathe. There has been lots of the usual... laundry and food prep, and cleaning dishes, and cleaning kids, and supervising kids, and supervising dogs, and feeding dogs, and grocery shopping, and school supply shopping, and picking raspberries, and even a day spent visiting my Mama and Grandma.
My Dearest has been working very, very long hours, coming home late and wiped out, only to have to get right back at it on the weekends, cutting firewood for our house and his Parents' house. I think I'm feeling his tiredness and translating it into my own life. We need a vacation! A really, really long one... perhaps a month?
Since I have no recent pictures for you (I know... how can that be? Beth almost always has a camera attached to her finger), I'll show you a sweet little vintage pincushion that I added to my collection not too long ago...

I'd like to give Crewel Work a try sometime.

And have you ever seen Jelly Jars like these?

I found them at my local Goodwill for .39 cents each. I really love the folky and naive raised Angel and Crown motif, and was super curious about them. So, even though I don't collect old glass, I brought them home anyway and did some research.

It turns out that they were made by Kerr, and the Angel and Crown are the Kerr Family crest. I haven't been able to pinpoint how old they are. Anybody know?
And that is all I have for you this Friday. Over and out.