Then, there in the window, I saw it.
I think I even drew my breathe in when I saw it. A beautiful shade of robin's egg blue, with brown smocking. I couldn't have designed it better myself.
Then I saw the price tag. sigh. I couldn't justify the price for my vanity. So I left IT there.
Imagine my sheer delight when, months later, at a baby shower, I was blessed by a dear friend with that exact same dress! She remembered my complaining comment about the styles and prices of girl clothes, and my description of THE DRESS, and decided to go purchase it on the spot. Then she kept it a secret for months while my Girl grew inside me.
And then I waited for the months that it took before She would fit into a 6 month size, periodically pulling it out of the closet and admiring every little detail. Imagining my precious baby girl all dressed up in her finery (and this coming from a non-dresser-upper!).
My wait has ended. And I am more in love with that dress than ever.

Almost as beautiful as in person!
(and I'm glad to see that you've figured out the art of collages...did you manage it the same way I described, or did you discover a simpler way?)
The dress is lovely! And the shoes are fabulous!
Aren't they though? Jeana, I have been wishing they made those shoes in my size. :)
At only $10 a pair, they make a great baby shower gift- you can find them at in lots of different colors and patterns.
Jo, I don't think my way was any quicker or easier, but it worked and is fun- thanks for the idea!
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