For nearly a year and a half now, I have posted from time to time about the Beaver family that has taken up residence in our creek bottom. It is thick, brushy and swampy down in that area of our property, not really appropriate for little people, so I have never actually seen our new neighbors with my own eyes.
So it was with much excitement when we set out on Sunday for a Long Explore, all four of us, down to visit the Beavers.
The littlest Twist, aka Birthday Girl was carried most of the journey, and often Matt and I were both schlepping children, passing them over a deep portion of the stream, or carrying them while walking upstream ourselves.
But it was well worth the effort! Believe me when I tell you that the photos simply cannot do justice to the vastly changed creek bottom. The system of dams and ponds that our Beaver family have built is simply amazing. I think I can understand a little now, why some folk are not happy when members of this remarkable animal family move onto their property.
Little bits of color in the midst of marshy, muddy, boggy, slimy-ness.
Colorful wellies are a MUST when traversing the low parts along Bear Creek. A "Bah, Humbug!" to those who insist on wearing the boring Black type.
Not a result of Beaver activity, but rather one of several Tree-Growing-Out-Of-Roots-Of-Fallen-Tree scenarios scattered throughout our forest. Do you see there at the top of the photo? The new tree has been growing up, up, up, for some 50 plus years, finding nourishment to continue to thrive despite the old original tree lying dead and rotting on the ground beside. The mass you see is the bottom of the root ball from that old tree.
And here you see, with bodies in place for perspective, the largest part of the Beaver's efforts- a 4 foot tall dam that stretches perhaps 150 feet into the distance, creating a pond. Out in the pond is a classic Beaver mound, where the family is living. It is a bit hard to see, but the water is right up to the top edge of the dam.
Better seen in this photo...
Heading back home after a quite satisfying adventure...
If ever you are in the woods of Oregon, perhaps you will drop in for a visit? We can go on a Long Explore together- I think I might like to take tea and cookies along the next time, find a rock, and sit awhile.