I watched a big, beautiful, fir tree fall this morning, back along the treeline, accompanied by a *crackle* and a *CRASH*... and now, although the power is back on (only 5 hours without... not too bad), it is a blizzard out there, snow piling up faster than I've seen in months.

We made the best of our dark morning... never have I been more thankful for a woodstove to heat water, a collection of antiques, including a working burr grinder, and a ginormous french press hiding in the back of my cupboard.

The kids were full of questions, wanting to know how the grinder works, and can they please help? Exclaiming over and over about how much they LOVE grinding coffee.

Asking if, the next time the electricity goes out... can they PLEASE grind coffee again?

Then, we all enjoyed a spot of our special brew together. Can you tell which is mine?

The remainder of our morning was spent watching Dumbo on the portable DVD player and stitching by the fire.

Sometimes, embracing the unexpected leads to the best kind of happiness.