Thursday, November 29, 2012

In the Dark

Hello my lovelies. I'm so very sorry I've been away for so many days in a row. I fully realize that your day does not HAVE to have me in it, but I try to be present most days of the week just as a matter of being fully engaged.

But I've allowed myself to become overwhelmed with little and big things, and somehow the blogging has fallen by the wayside. And it may remain spotty for the remainder of this year... or at least until puppies have grown and gone to their forever homes, and the festivities of the Christmas season have been fully enjoyed.

Here I offer a glimpse of what my world looks like in the wee hours of the morning. What I see each night around 1:30 or 2:00 am as I take my one shift to check on welfare of Mama and pups.

Bright stars some nights (Orion! there you are... shoot that arrow far), with frosty crunchy grass underfoot, bare branches of our Anniversary Tree seen silhouetted against the dark, pale glowing window from a nightlight inside.
And on my return trek, with motion-sensored brightness at my back, bed calling loudly.
I haven't posted many puppy pictures, as this has been a challenging litter to raise. Born early, and lots of them, we lost a few too small, too fragile, too underdeveloped. And the clumsy Mama, despite our around the clock vigilance has accidentally been the cause of a few more lost lives. So hard, this part of what we do.

But the remaining puppies are getting stronger by the day, and have begun to romp and play in such an endearing way. Practicing their fierce growls and barking so suddenly, so loudly, that they knock themselves off of unsteady feet. We will welcome the first of their families as they come visit this weekend. We look forward to meeting these people for whom we have put in the mid-night hours.

And I look forward to your Hellos, left in the comments and my email box. Always so happy to know that you're out there.


JEN said...

Love the long shadows, girl!

Anonymous said...

I am out in the dark each morning myself as my three dogs (just rescued the third the day after Thanksgiving) when I go out with them to do their business. I love the early morning, but not the recent cold.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the Anonymous...I don't know how to leave comments any other way...I am new at the blogging, just thought I would read them and look at the lovely pictures but find myself now wanting to join in the fun.

Anonymous said...

Love the two photos you shared in today's post, Beth! What a gorgeous night sky you have!

Robin in Virginia

Mouse said...

mmmmm our night sky looks similar to yours at the moment ... sorry about the losses ... but as you say it is your way of life .... ((Hugs)) love mouse xxxx

Anonymous said...

Beth, if you hadn't posted today, I was going to email you and make sure some disaster hadn't befallen you or your family...gasp!

I know my day doesn't have to have you in it, and I totally realize how busy you are with life, husband, children, needlework and puppies, but okay, I have to say it....I MISS you when you don't post. No pressure here because I also understand the demands of the holiday season.

This will be somewhat long. I so enjoy my peek into your life when you blog and since I, my husband and adult children are undergoing some rather severe stresses right now, I'm also using your blog as my place to de-stress, unwind and smile.

I love your nighttime pictures. Such beautiful photography you take! Rest assured that I'll be here to read whenever you're able to blog.

I'm just very thankful you and your family is okay. (Gentle tears for the puppies who didn't make it!)

Marie said...

I love your pictures! and I love you! Sorry for the extra stress of this season for you. You're always in my prayers and in my heart.