What? I didn't tell you it was my birthday? Yep. On Thanksgiving day this year. There's this odd pattern in the solar calendar which lands the 25th on the third Thursday of November every 6, then 5, then 6, then 11 years (repeat, ad nauseum). I am happy to say that I won't have another ThanksBirthday now until 2021. I prefer to keep my favorite holiday separate from all felt-obligation on the part of family to throw in a cake and candles where only a pumpkin pie belongs.

I did receive a few gifts that I think you will be interested to hear about, but will save them for another post.

This time around its all about showing you the last of the snow pictures, if you hadn't guessed. There were just so many great shots. And even though I have a feeling we are in for a lot of the white stuff this year, I still have this need to show you all my favorite moments.

My very favorite shot I saved for last. Introducing, my Dad and my nephew (wedged between my kids). This photo is a favorite on a few levels...
1. A sled piled with happy children.
2. Snow.
3. Rays of winter sunshine streaming.
4. The stocking hat on my Dad's head, displaying his pride for UVCS, the school from which all five of his children graduated. Gooooooo Monarchs!
5. The grin on my Dad's face, almost as big and joyful as the grins on the faces of the children in the sled.
5. The nephew, a sweet boy just 6 weeks younger than my boy, lives on the other side of the world near the equator, and has never played in snow before, not to mention the fact that we haven't seen him for over a year. Seeing the two boys together, in all their excitement to see each other, was good medicine for this Mama's heart.