Monday, April 18, 2016


Sunshine, more than our usual share, has brought Spring on rather quickly. Flowers bloom profusely and are already spent before they would have ventured out on a normal year. The lilacs, which I usually associate with Mother's Day, will be done with perfuming the air long before May begins.

School is nearing the end for the year, and the three of us are glad, but not in the same way past years have felt. This new way of doing school has been the best thing ever, and I see no going back to the old way ever again. Life feels as it should be.

April is the most important month of the Farmboy's birthday. We had beautiful weather for his celebration, which, meant it was warm enough for me to stand outside for a few hours making a giant pan of paella to share with his family. I decided this year that I'll be upgrading to a larger paella pan. The 18 incher just isn't big enough anymore. I'm moving up to the big leagues!
If you haven't yet, you need to head over to meet the Farmboy's sister on her blog, Where Sisters Gather. If I had never met her, it's highly doubtful you would know me. She's the one that introduced me to antique schoolgirl samplers all those years ago, which eventually turned me into the one-woman sampler-designing factory that I am today. Besides, she has an amazing eye for antiques and decorating, and just might have the perfect item for you listed in her ebay store.

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