Friday, October 16, 2009

Pumpkin Love

Who needs to go visit a pumpkin patch when you can go outside and hug your very own pumpkin any old time?
Katie thinks her pumpkin is a drum.

Jack knows that God makes the fruits and vegetables to grow. He also thinks that God is the one who made this particular pumpkin to grow WITH his name on it. We haven't corrected him.


HomeSpunPrims said...


I haven't visited in a very long time and your children have grown up!! How sweet they are with the pumpkins with their names on them.

Lori R

Catherine said...

What precious pictures! I love the names on the pumpkins!

Tanya said...

THE cutest pics - darling!!!

Zack said good night to his pumpkin the other night - kids are too fun!
